May Allahu (SWT) removes all our pains, sadness, worries, difficulties, problems, anxieties and replace them with good health, happiness, Peace, love and blessings.
Aameen Yaa Hayyuh Yaa Qayyum.
Assalamu Alaiqumum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Baraqatuh Sir
Ya Allah! Ya Rabbi! Ya Aleemu! Ya Hayyu, Ya Qayyuum, Ya Mujeebud du’a, grant us the tolerance and the faith to be patient with any trial that You test us with in our life time with Taqwa
May Almighty Allah protect us from the evils of this world.
Grant us strength and good patience to cope with our trials.
Help us surrender to Your Decree.
You know what we don’t.
You know what we need.
You know what’s best for us, grant us what will benefit us here and hereafter. Ameen ya Hayyu Ya Qayyum.
Oh Yaa Allah!
We ask for Your mercy.
Guides our hearts.
Settle our affairs.
Remove our worries.
Protect us from evils.
Bless our struggles.
Provide our needs.
Guide our leaders.
Forgive our sins
Forgive our deceased.
Forgive our parents.
Bless our entire families
Protect us from hellfire and give us the best in this world and Hereafter.
Aameen Yaa Hayyuh Yaa Qayyum.
As for those who believe and do good, We certainly never deny the reward of those who are best in deeds (Q18:30). May we be counted among those who believe, who do good & are best in deeds. Juma’at Mubarak
May Almighty Allah never spare us a second from the abundance of the word of testimony. May He grant us to be among those who lead a life in His path & who take every breath & the last with the word of testimony. We must not lose faith in humanity. Humanity is an ocean; if a few drops of the ocean are dirty, the ocean itself does not become dirty. May his light guide our paths, may his love grace our hearts, & may his blessings strengthen our souls. May all our prayers bring health & happiness to us, our families, friends, & loved ones.
Allahumma Amin
Juma’at Mubarak
Jumu’at MUBARAK! YA ALLAH! Our sustainer, Give us abundant sustenance. Make easy for us its seeking. Let its source be near to us and let us not run after the sustenance in vain. You have not selected for us, because You do not want to punish us whereas we are always in need of Your mercy. Give generously Your Superabundant bounties to us Your servant, (because) verily You are the owner of Limitless Gifts.
Wa Ma’an Nasru illah Min Indillah.(THERE IS NO HELP EXCEPT FROM ALLAH).
May ALLAH accept and grant our Dua.
Assalamu Alaikum Warahamatullah.
It’s my prayers that as Allahu (SWT) Is not tired of giving you the best.
I will not be tired In Shaa Allah, of wishing you the best.
May the best of every good thing in life come your way.
May Allahu (SWT) bless you in whatever you do and protect you in wherever you go.
Lights up every road you take, make your hope become a reality and help you out in every difficulty that comes your way.
Aameen Yaa Hayyuh Yaa Qayyum.
Wishing You A Gorgeous Jumu’at Kareem.
10th Rajab, 1446 (AH).
10th January, 2025.
This is to inform all our able bodied Muslim UMMAH that the three white days Fasting for the Month of RAJAB will commence on Monday the 13th, Tuesday the 14th and Wednesday the 15th, January 2025.And for those with normal Mondays & Thursdays may add the,16th day May Almihty Allah accept our Fasting, Prayers and Niyat Aamin.