HomeHeadlinenews#Today Friday Jummat 26 Jumada II 1446 AH (27th december 2024)

#Today Friday Jummat 26 Jumada II 1446 AH (27th december 2024)

Assalamu Alaikum Warahamatullah.


May Allahu (SWT) removes all our pains, sadness, worries, difficulties, problems, anxieties and replace them with good health, happiness, Peace, love and blessings.
Aameen Yaa Hayyuh Yaa Qayyum.


Assalamu Alaiqumum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Baraqatuh Sir

Ya Allah! Ya Rabbi! Ya Aleemu! Ya Hayyu, Ya Qayyuum, Ya Mujeebud du’a, grant us the tolerance and the faith to be patient with any trial that You test us with in our life time with Taqwa

May Almighty Allah protect us from the evils of this world.
Grant us strength and good patience to cope with our trials.
Help us surrender to Your Decree.
You know what we don’t.
You know what we need.
You know what’s best for us, grant us what will benefit us here and hereafter. Ameen ya Hayyu Ya Qayyum.🙏🙏



Oh Yaa Allah!
We ask for Your mercy.
Guides our hearts.
Settle our affairs.
Remove our worries.
Protect us from evils.
Bless our struggles.
Provide our needs.
Guide our leaders.
Forgive our sins
Forgive our deceased.
Forgive our parents.
Bless our entire families
Protect us from hellfire and give us the best in this world and Hereafter.

Aameen Yaa Hayyuh Yaa Qayyum.

As for those who believe and do good, We certainly never deny the reward of those who are best in deeds (Q18:30). May we be counted among those who believe, who do good & are best in deeds. Juma’at Mubarak


May Almighty Allah never spare us a second from the abundance of the word of testimony. May He grant us to be among those who lead a life in His path & who take every breath & the last with the word of testimony. We must not lose faith in humanity. Humanity is an ocean; if a few drops of the ocean are dirty, the ocean itself does not become dirty. May his light guide our paths, may his love grace our hearts, & may his blessings strengthen our souls. May all our prayers bring health & happiness to us, our families, friends, & loved ones.
Allahumma Amin
Juma’at Mubarak

Oh Allah!

The Greatest, The Exalted,

We beseech you to perform wonders in our lives.

Let us keep experiencing great memories.

Do not deny us of Your favour.

Make us a prominent achiever of the time.

Avail us the resilient trait to survive all odds.

And make us shy away from regrettable sins, aameen.

Jumah Mubarak!


**Ya Allah!
Include us and our families among Your selected servants who will receive Your favour and blessing today and always.
Be gracious and merciful onto us and ward all evil and pestilence from us.
Remove all our difficulties. Grant us peace and comfort.
Guide, Guard and protect us at every seconds of our life. Provide for us and direct us to do your wish.
Accept our Duas. Aameen. Thumma Aammeen Ya Rabbil Alamiiiin.
JUMATUL MUBARAK…. Happy weekend

Dr. Amiida Fraser
Fraser Consulting
Royal Crown Minerals
Eden & Mcwhit Global

Assalam Alaikum,

I pray that peace and eternal happiness from the ALMIGHTY ALLAH will forever be yours and that of your family. May you continue to enjoy ALLAH supreme guidance and overall protection, May you find your Favour, Blessings, Prosperity and Pleasures in this world and the Hereafter beyond your expectations.
Ma Sha Allah.Amiin.

Ya Allah, make it easy and do not make it difficult. Ya Allah make it end well for us, Amin🙏🏾.

Bar’ka Juma’ah 🙏🏾
Fraser Consulting
Royal Crown Minerals

Every successful person has a painful story & every painful story has a successful end. Ya Allah, distance us from shame and failure, Ya Allah, destroy every evil plan against us and our families, Ya Allah, answer all our prayers, Ya Allah, put us among those with successful end, Ya Allah, provide us with what will be of benefit to us, and what others will benefit from us. Ameen. JUMAA MUBARAK.
Amiida Fraser. MFR
Royal Crown Minerals Development

Yaa Allah, You are The first & The last, The beginning & The End, You are The Powerful & we are powerless. Oh Allah bless us in whatever we do, protect us wherever we go, light up every road we take with Your mercy & guidance, make our hopes & aspirations become reality and help us in every difficulties that comes our way., grant us the good of this world & not deny us the good of hereafter. Aameen. Jumma’at Mubarak.

Amiida Fraser MFR.
Fraser Consulting.


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