HomeReligion#Today is 3rd Rajab the 7th month of Hijrah Calendar 1446AH equivalent...

#Today is 3rd Rajab the 7th month of Hijrah Calendar 1446AH equivalent to 3rd January, 2025.

Asalamun Alaikum Waramattullahi Wabarakatuhu

Again, the day of Rahma is here.
-Ya Allah, Ya Rahman, Ya Rahim, On this day of Jummah, please forgive our sins and guide us to the right path.
-May the light of Jummah shine in our houses.
-May Almighty Allah ease our struggles, worries and pain.
-May Allah grant us success in this world and in the hereafter.
-May our prayers be answered today, Aameen.

All thanks to Allah the mighty the wise. It’s a beautiful Friday in the 3rd day of Rajab, the first Friday in the month of Rajab. All we need to be saying is Alhamdu lillahi robil alameen for everything. May we be blessed with uncommon barakah in this life and in the life hereafter. Jumat Mubarak.

May Almighty Allah never spare us a second from the abundance of the word of testimony. May He grant us to be among those who lead a life in His path & who take every breath & the last with the word of testimony. We must not lose faith in humanity. Humanity is an ocean; if a few drops of the ocean are dirty, the ocean itself does not become dirty. May his light guide our paths, may his love grace our hearts, & may his blessings strengthen our souls. May all our prayers bring health & happiness to us, our families, friends, & loved ones.
Allahumma Amin
Juma’at Mubarak

Oh Allah!

The Greatest, The Exalted,

We beseech you to perform wonders in our lives.

Let us keep experiencing great memories.

Do not deny us of Your favour.

Make us a prominent achiever of the time.

Avail us the resilient trait to survive all odds.

And make us shy away from regrettable sins, aameen.

Jumah Mubarak!

Oh Allah!

The Greatest, The Exalted,

We beseech you to perform wonders in our lives.

Let us keep experiencing great memories.

Do not deny us of Your favour.

Make us a prominent achiever of the time.

Avail us the resilient trait to survive all odds.

And make us shy away from regrettable sins, aameen.

Jumah Mubarak!



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