In a significant victory against terrorism, notorious terrorist leader Sani Wala Burki, known for terrorizing the Safana and Batsari Local Government Areas (LGAs) in Katsina State, has been eliminated.
According to counterinsurgency reporter Zagazola Makanaki, Burki and several of his fighters were neutralized during a joint operation conducted by local vigilantes and the Katsina Community Watch Corps (CWC). The operation took place last night when Burki and his group attempted another attack on innocent civilians in Safana. In response, the vigilantes coordinated a defense, successfully engaging and defeating the armed group.
Local residents confirmed that Burki and several members of his gang were killed during the operation. Burki had been a central figure in the wave of attacks that had long destabilized the Safana and Batsari LGAs, causing fear and unrest in the region.