Home2023 Elections#Breaking! President- Elect Asiwaju Tinubu Did Not Issue Any Statement On Chief...

#Breaking! President- Elect Asiwaju Tinubu Did Not Issue Any Statement On Chief Olabode George. Open Letter Going Viral On Social Media Is Fake – Bayo Onanuga

Tinubu’s Open Letter to Chief Bode George
15 March 2023

Dear Chief Bode George,

It is with genuine purpose and a peaceful intent that I write you this letter. I do so because the time has not yet come for you to proceed to political self-exile.

It will not be a thing of happiness for me that my emergence as President-elect will herald your departure from public life in Lagos and Nigeria. I, therefore, urge you to shelve all thoughts of self-exile and political retirement.

A capable opposition is a fundamental requirement of good governance, pushing the incumbent administration to be its best self or face electoral oblivion at the next election. In your many years in opposition in Lagos, you have never been victimised or persecuted; neither by me nor by any of the Governors who came after me.

The presidential election was hard yet cleanly fought. At the end, a victor was declared and, by the grace of God almighty, the Nigerian people chose to make me their next President. However, we must not take the battle so personally as to threaten retirement any time we fail to win. Defeat is as much a part of politics as victory.

As President, I will draw no distinction between supporter and antagonist. I will not grant undue favour to those who voted for me nor will I persecute those who voted against me. I will govern for the benefit of all Nigerians.

Under my leadership, Nigeria shall be a good and pleasant home. There will be room for freedom of expression. There will be economic growth and development. There will be opportunities for the young and social safety for the old. There will be security for all.

I hope you find it within yourself to stay and be a part of Nigeria’s hopeful future. However, if you feel that you do not want to live in the new Nigeria, nobody, least of all me, can force you to remain here. Whatever you choose to do, I bid you Godspeed.

Asiwaju Bola Ahmed Tinubu
President-elect of the Federal Republic of Nigeria


Headlinenews correspondents’ investigative reports confirmed that an open letter purportedly written by the President- Elect Asiwaju Bola Ahmed Tinubu to Chief Olabode George did not emanate from the media or campaign Office of Asiwaju Bola Ahmed Tinubu, but the handwork of some faceless persons and mischief makers who are set to fan the embers of disaffection in the polity. The President – Elect is preoccupied with important matters of the Nation and setting up a solid foundation and is not disposed to petty matters which is unbecoming of his profile as a National Leader. The Nigerian public is hereby warned not to accept stories and posts on the social media as authentic. Any Press Statement from the President- Elect will be duly signed by the Director of Media Mr Bayo Onanuga or Mr. Tunde Rahman from the Media Office.

The President- Elect believes this is a period for National healing and not actions that may be deemed provocative. He is focused on his responsibilities to giving Nigerians ‘renewed hope’ as soon as possible.

The message from Mr. Bayo Onanuga regarding the open letter to Chief Olabode George as Fake is hereby attached.

A copy of the fake letter is attached to enable readers identify it on the social media.

Imran Khazaly


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