Home2023 Elections#Breaking! Tinubu's Youth Empowerment Action Plan Rated The Best For Any Presidential...

#Breaking! Tinubu’s Youth Empowerment Action Plan Rated The Best For Any Presidential Candidate. – National Patriots. (VIDEO)

The National Patriots, a non- governmental organisation for advocacy, public communications, citizens engagement  has endorsed the APC Candidate, Bola Ahmed Tinubu as the most suitable President for Nigeria at a time like this!

The National Coordinator Dr. Hameeda who communicated their evaluation and assessment of the various candidates contesting the elections confirmed that after a rigorous assessment, Tinubu emerged the best candidate with the highest scores on all categories. The manifesto of the APC Candidate, Tinubu is the most practical & realistic, identifying Nigeria’s problems accurately while proffering Pragmatic solutions and alleviating the hardship experienced by the common man. The Youth empowerment plan of the APC Presidential Candidate is highly impressive and will definitely bring the younger generation on board to work together and  learn from the older generation. The Manifesto of the APC Candidate Bola Tinubu is the best for this 2023 elections and addresses every imaginable challenge that requires attention in Nigeria. The commendable aspect of the APC candidate’s manifesto is that it addresses the way these actions would achieve the target and the timeline.

This confirms that Tinubu is a visionary leader, a Democrat who knows exactly what needs to be done to get Nigeria working again!

For this reason and many more, the National Patriots has endorsed Bola Tinubu as the next President and appeals to all Patriots who have the interest if Nigeria at heart, to support and vote for Asiwaju Tinubu on 25th February 2023. Tinubu is the answer. Tinubu has what it takes to take Nigeria out of the woods to the next developmental milestone and deliver the dividends of democracy. Nigerians are being strongly advised to vote for Tinubu on the 25th February, supported by the National Patriots after an unbiased assessment.

This Youth Empowerment video is just a tip of the iceberg! Tinubu has much more to offer Nigerians. We have nothing to lose, but so much to gain by voting Tinubu into office.


Dr. Hameeda.

National Coordinator.

Princess Gloria Adebajo-Fraser. MFR.



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