HomeFeaturesHow to get the most storage, of a small apartment

How to get the most storage, of a small apartment

Additional storage space is often covered in small apartments, but not always available accordingly. Yet there are some ways to make even better use of the space. So you have the perfect orderly place to enjoy 22Bet.


Storage space is rather limited, especially in small apartments. Where to put all the things? Original tidying methods such as Marie Kondo’s or so-called Death Cleaning are helpful when it comes to sorting your own home better. Multifunctional furniture solutions such as a day bed or a folding table on the wall also create more space in your own four walls. But these also have to be purchased first. However, there are also structural storage spaces that few people actually use, because many simply don’t know about them. 




  1. storage space behind the door

Behind doors is valuable storage space that goes unused in many households. But especially in bathrooms, bedrooms or kitchens, the door to the room is just perfect to use as additional storage. On a hook on the bedroom door, for example, the robe or pajamas find a good place to be quickly at hand. Behind the bathroom door, additional hanging baskets or textile storage systems can be attached to the upper edge of the door, where you can store towels or smaller drugstore items.


Interior tip: For storage space at the door, there are also entire racks over which you can hang wet towels to dry. And even in small kitchens, utensils like potholders, dish towels or aprons can be stored behind the door to save space.


  1. use room height

Apartments in old buildings are very popular with apartment hunters because of their special charm. Due to a considerable height of about three to four and a half meters, old buildings offer plenty of space, especially in theory – but only very few actually use it in practice. Furniture with a separate top unit is ideal for this purpose, because it is usually only used to store things that are rarely used, such as winter bed linen.


Wall and hanging shelves can also be placed as far up as you like, as long as the ceiling height allows. Place items in the top rows that you don’t need as often such as books you’ve already read, decorative items or vacation souvenirs. And over-the-door cabinets can also be a worthwhile purchase for older homes.




  1. storage space under stairs


Also the place under stairs remains frequently free – but for what and why actually? Especially here it is worthwhile to use the given space sensibly. Custom-made furniture that fills every millimeter is an effective solution here. Admittedly, these are not always entirely affordable, but they are an investment that is well worth it. As a result, you gain plenty of new storage space.


  1. sloping ceilings in the apartment


Areas under roof slopes often remain unused, because many think that this part of the apartment can not be used anyway. A mistake! Here, too, you can either resort to custom-made furniture or use a ready-made tiered shelf. Both solutions can – standing freely in the room – at the same time still function as a room divider.


And if it should not be a large piece of furniture such as a cabinet or shelf, individual shelves are also suitable as wall shelves. All you need are special brackets for sloping ceilings and boards that you can have cut to size at the hardware store – and this space is also put to smart use.


  1. loft bed or platform for more storage space


Especially in the bedroom, there is often a lack of storage space. Nevertheless, at least the bed, closet and all sorts of other odds and ends must be accommodated. If you are a little handy, you have two options: your own loft bed with open storage space underneath, or for those who are not quite free of giddiness, it can be your own pedestal.


Generally speaking, lie on top, plenty of storage space below. Large drawers form a kind of cabinet in the horizontal plane. Such a pedestal solution is also suitable for the living room and creates an extremely lounge atmosphere.


  1. use ceiling shelves


Kitchen and bathroom are the two places of a home that house a lot of odds and ends. In order to maintain order here and not make it look too cluttered, it is recommended to place individual things like spices or cream jars separately. But what to do when all the cupboards and shelves are already completely filled? Here are special suspensions from the ceiling, where everything is quickly at hand. Particularly decorative here are also solutions that resemble a hanging basket and which are integrated baskets of different sizes.


For more storage in the bedroom, there are clothes rails that can hang from the ceiling and thus also usefully exploit the vertical plane. You can also get creative yourself here with ropes and pipes from the hardware store.


  1. more storage space in the kitchen

Storage space is also hard to come by in the kitchen, especially if you do not have a pantry. Where to put all the utensils, spices, dishes and food? No problem, because even in a small kitchen there are still some ways to create valuable storage space. For example, food can sometimes be stored in storage jars – this also protects against vermin such as food moths.


Utensils such as cooking spoons or oven mitts can also be hung from a rod. Drawers can also be screwed to the wall cabinets from below if necessary. And if you install a file holder on the inside of the door under the sink, you can store cleaning products here, for example. 


So now it is up to you to find even more space. But maybe you should consider that not the space but your stuff is the problem. You do not need much to be happy. Give away your old stuff or throw it away what you do not need anymore. 



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