HomeHeadlinenews#UK Cost of Living Crisis and Japa Nigerians

#UK Cost of Living Crisis and Japa Nigerians

**Navigating the UK Cost of Living Crisis: Insights from “Japa” Nigerians**

While Nigerians at home may perceive their current conditions as challenging, their counterparts in Japan, often referred to as “Japa” Nigerians, are beginning to acknowledge that there’s no magic solution anywhere.

Despite the undesirable inflation rates, it’s essential to recognize that we are not alone, and, dare I say, we may be faring better than many others globally.

From Canada to the US to Europe, the prices of goods and services are soaring, eliciting groans from ordinary citizens.

In China, the situation is even more severe.
Apart from grappling with inflation, the renowned manufacturing and export sectors have suffered significantly since Covid-19 and the stringent lockdowns enforced by Xi.

The West has dealt a heavy blow by withholding essential components like chips, affecting the production of cars, medical equipment, phones, and more. Numerous companies have shut down and relocated to countries like Vietnam and Cambodia, drawn by more predictable government policies and cheaper labor.

This trend appears irreversible, and the bursting of the real estate bubble has plunged families and governments into confusion.

Unemployment is escalating geometrically, marking a departure from the long-standing growth of the Chinese population.

Despite the relaxation of the one-child policy, its impact has been negligible. Family planning, loosely used here because couples are increasingly deciding not to have children due to economic factors, is now more of a choice than ever before. Young individuals are disheartened, hesitating to marry, buy homes, or seek employment. The very will to live is under threat.

Despite these challenges, one can find solace in the resilience of the Nigerian spirit, confident that it will guide us through these headwinds. Amen.


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