Olukemi Olufunto Adegoke Badenoch, the Leader of His Majesty’s Most Loyal Opposition and the Leader of the Conservative Party in the United Kingdom is so intellectually, culturally, geopolitically and diplomatically daft it’s unbelievable! I have sat and watched her vomit her entrails from the effect of the foot-in-the-mouth disease she perennially suffers from as she slithers up the totem pole of British politics as a Conservative MP at the expense of Nigeria and Nigerians. I can’t believe she’s not seeing how much of a train wreck she’s become with her anti-Nigerian comments.
To be clear, this is not about criticizing Nigerian politics and Nigerian politicians, which a fair number of conscientious Nigerians have done from time immemorial. This is about deliberately killing Nigeria and Nigerians with a brand of performative politics she’s deploying to win the trust of the racist, rightwing section of her party and the British public by appearing to be the White lady in Black skin they can be comfortable with in their common hatred of everything Black.
Her history of anti-Black rhetoric is long. I mean, we can talk about her validation and lionization of colonialism, her non-belief in what she derisively calls the ‘black community’, her support for stop-and-search, her opposition to what she considers identity politics, her opposition to the teaching of critical race theory, her fabricated stories about her supposedly tough life in Nigeria, her support for the doomed racist Zac Goldsmith’s London mayoral campaign, her belief that British values and culture (read White or Western values and culture) is superior to all others, her belief that there is nothing like institutional racism and so on and so forth, which are all parts of her dark ensemble of White-appeal political gimmickry that taken together builds a permission structure for her racist constituency. She’s the ‘good black’ who speaks the language even better than them. It’s self-loathing on steroids. Kemi has been a race traitor for a long time. Indeed, hers is a virulent form of colonial mentality.
For me, what all this shows is the insidious wickedness in the Tory party. I mean, who are the philistines employed as her advisers, spinmeisters and spoxs who are letting her flail around in the wind like this in the name of talking Nigeria? Is there no one in the Shadow Cabinet and amongst her mentors that can tell her she’s barking up the wrong tree with all this kooky Nigerian talk? Why are they allowing her to continue making this heavy rod for her own back? Don’t they realize how all this will eventually play out against her in a general election? Okay, okay, I get it, the Tories are actually not ever going to go into a general election with her. She’s only a placeholder who they’re happy to sacrifice to self-immolation, while winning the plaudits for inclusion in the meantime as they tuck her into the safe seat of White-heavy North West Essex. She’s not their problem at all because when the time comes, they’ll do what they have to do. I get it.
So, in the end, it seems the real tragedy in all this is Kemi Badenoch’s patent lack of self-esteem. Pikin wey dey take left hand point her papa compound na bastard.
….. Copied from Kennedy Emetulu FB page